Sunday, March 20, 2016

District Leadership

Ya'll....I hate to keep bragging because I hope that I don't jinx myself in the future, but I work in an incredibly supportive and innovative district.  Based on an email that I sent to our superintendent to share about CTEPS and the Design Thinking Process, he not only sent a very excited email to me asking for more information but also to speak at this month's district leadership meeting.  He wants to talk to our fearless leader and see where this all can take our district! How awesome!  

The news that people are talking about CTEPS and the Design Thinking Process is most amazing.  My presentation did my best.  Being nervous and 8 months pregnant made for a very short of breath and sweaty mess.  BUT, the conversation is started.  Here is what I shared with them...hopefully the link and links within work.  If not, please ask and I'll share it personally.
**I also have limited text on each screen.  (We had a great webinar of how to speak to adults, so I tried to apply it!)  If you want to see my notes pages that guided what I actually said, again, please feel free to ask.  I'm happy to share.  

I was able to use information for the presentations I was given during CTEPS meetings.   All credit due was given.  At no point was this an "I did" show.  As much as possible, I wanted to emphasize the collaboration of the sponsors, collaboration of our leaders, the collaboration of our large and small groups, and also include the Design Thinking Process.  Because I was so nervous, I'm not sure of what I said.  However, I did receive some very nice feedback in person and via email throughout the day from people in the room.  

At the end of my presentation, our superintendent asked me "How has this made an impact on you?"  My answer, "Personally and professionally I view problems differently.  I ask why before how.  I ask for help and ask lots of questions.  What's been wonderful is getting to know this about myself:  that I can maintain a project and see progress with a vision, but have no real clear picture of how it ends.  The most awesome results have happened because I'm able to allow whatever to happen, whereas before, if it wasn't part of 'my plan' it wasn't going to happen so there were lots of missed opportunities for awesomeness.  Now there whole process has become an adventure with lots of great systems and ideas occurring!"
**If that's not what I said word for word, I hope that this was in my answer somewhere....I was very nervous. 

Who knew that ideas to improve literacy would lead to a school initiative, then a district initiative, and on now to spreading the love of CTEPS and Design Thinking?  Again, I recognize my luck and appreciate every second.  I feel like I keep saying that and this:  I'm so excited to see what happens next!

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