Monday, October 12, 2015

Questions leading to research

The (late 😥) Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there." This is how I'm feeling at this stage in my project.  I'm trying to decide where I'm going and what questions I need to focus on to get there.  

So far, here are my thoughts on paper...
Completely clear, right??

My first response to research was to simply check the research I had done.  What is happening in our building and what have I read so far? Looking at just this helped to narrow in on a few ideas, but ultimately led to more questions.  

After sitting with these ideas and letting them roll around for awhile, I've decided to categorize the questions. Maybe this will help me narrow in on my research? Maybe this will point me exactly to what I need to focus on in my action steps?

So here they are....
Is there a pattern in need for growth in all schools with our percentage of free/reduced lunch?  Is there something we can do before our students enter our building? Is there something schools similar to us are doing that creates growth?

Is there something we can do at school that were not doing? What systems support most growth? What do kids think? What do teachers think? 

Are parents a key player in making this much growth? Do we need them in the building? Do we increase communication? Do we share resources? Would the community be a necessary resource? Are parents and community so necessary that we give all effort here, or would it be ok to spend most energy on our school day and "our circle of influence"?
Although it may look like I'm still completely lost, I don't feel that way.  I
feel accomplished because I feel like I've at least narrowed the questions down.  I know what I'm looking for in research.  

 My team coaches are promising that we will narrow the topic on our met webinar. I'm really looking forward to that webinar...😄

And of course, anyone reading this that knows an answer- I'll take one!


  1. This is so beautiful! I love how you frame it about your learning and not just what you already know. Embodies what CTEPS is all about.
