Oh yea! Besides all the bonuses of getting to see my CTEPS friends and attend ECET2KY, I got to spend a night to myself and enjoy week 30 of this baby bump. It's amazing how much more I felt this baby moving when it was just the two of us.
The relaxation and time alone was necessary...and not because I needed time away from my 3 and 2 year old boys, but because my brain was on overload. The CTEPS system, environment, being surrounded by inspiring people is EXHAUSTING and also the most awesome experience in professional learning.
Take a look at the messiness (and excitement) of moving forward....
*Disclaimer* I'm sure there's a way to make this "pretty" or neat, but there is something about getting out a box of markers and big paper and writing it all out that my brain craves. Instead of transferring it all to a tech doc, I'm letting you see my thinking in the raw. Please excuse the handwriting...it's my thinking in action.
Here are my notes before critical friends...

These are my notes after the "critical friends" session...

Now, the work of finishing this project is here. With the movement in my building (and now in the district) I have to say that my thinking mind is trying really hard to keep up with the excitement and ideas flowing though my brain. There is a real movement happening right now, and it's only because I'm surrounded by support in CTEPS, in my district, and in my school. The final outcome is something I still can't see, but I know is going to make difference for kids and teachers in a big way.
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